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À rejoins en date due:

Oct. 12, 2014





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Mazda Tu Le (360Pts.)


EvoAll Remote start for 2013 Mazda CX5

Hi, I tried to install the remote start with single button 2ways viper witht the EvoAll on a 2013 Mazda CX5. Followed all the correct wires hookup. Programed and encrypted correctly, but when i start the car with the single button remote start, i don't get any accesssory light or the cart start. However if i switch the diode to the other oposite way (black end toward the car instead toward the remote start module), then i get all the accessory light, but truck won't start. However I switch that back as it shown on the instruction sheet at this time, since I can't get the truck start either way. D2D option set to ON followed with 25 steps of activation sucessfully. firmware 71.23. (the latest). module hardware version 6. Can you please recommend what else do i need to check or what have i could be done wrong? thanks.


Mazda Tu Le (360Pts.)


Door Pin Image/Location for 2013 Mazda CX5 to prevent headlight drain the battery.

Door Pin Image/Location for 2013 Mazda CX5 to prevent headlight drain the battery. After the remote start expired, auto headlight won't turn off itself, unitl i come out to the car and shut it off. Please assist. Which wire from Evo All that would hook up to the suv? thanks.


Nissan Tu Le (360Pts.)


How come this important wire don't mentioned on the installation menu?

This issue caued my car battery dead multiple times after the remote start expired.  Please help to implemented to input it some where on the installation guide with label.  I am sure lot of your customer will appreciated.


Nissan Tu Le (360Pts.)


Is there anything else that I need to install my EVO-ALL on my 2011 Sedan Altima 2.5?

Are these ONLY 15 wires that I need to connect to install my remote start with this bypass, beside lock/unlock and lights/horn.

Remote start:  Viper Responder One "2 ways single button".

Do I need to connect?  - Ignition 2; - Starter 1 and - Starter 2; Accessory 1 and Accesory 2? I am very new to this product and not very familar with it.  I am only working with Xpresskit and switching over to this units.

Bypass:  EVO-All - Installation connection 5. D2D connection

Thank you in advance.

Here is my current connection from my Viper transponer one.

When I press the remote start button twice, it doesnt do anything accept long beep with red light from remote start button.  What did i do wrong here?  Thanks


Nissan Tu Le (360Pts.)


Is there an instruction on how to remove the instrument cluster on 2011 Altima to access to BCM?

Is there an instruction on how to remove the instrument cluster on 2011 Altima to access to BCM?

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